Jackee works with directors, senior leaders, board level executives and emerging leaders. She supports leaders who are committed to investing in ongoing personal and professional development to improve overall performance and generate results and outcomes that maximize impact in a fast changing environment. Jackee quickly establishes trust and rapport with senior leaders whilst maintaining the capacity to offer constructive feedback, open up to and engage in difficult conversations with the ability to work strategically and emotionally, getting to the core of what matters in the business context.

Jackee’s skills extend to and includes design and delivery of accredited, high quality coach training and leadership programmes, facilitating team coaching and action learning sets, women’s leadership and career advancement along with coaching around diversity and inclusion. Jackee portfolio career in organizational development includes a combination of a therapeutic understanding of human behaviour, a keen interest in reflective practice as a resourceful leadership developmental tool supporting individuals to become stronger, resilient leaders. Jackee skillfully coaches and leaders on diversity, difference and challenge.  She was one of the two keynote speakers at the 2017 Coaching at Work conference in London where the theme was culture.  Jackee’s talk was entitled Diversity and Inclusion: Embracing the Beauty and the Beast of Culture, Creativity and Complexity.

Jackee’s coaching and leadership clients describe her as: empathetic and intuitive, mindful and present, doesn’t allow you to get away with stuff and was not afraid to challenge;

“Her personal presence and style always made me feel at ease, I’ve witnessed her work highly effectively with a wide range of people from different backgrounds.”

Representative Client Engagements:


  • Coached a Director of HR to lead through a turbulent and difficult re-structuring process in the organization. This involved managing a number of difficult and challenging behaviours as a result of the re-organizational decisions made at the time. This paved the way for new perspectives and alternative ways of working and responding to the impact of the re-structuring. New departments regained focus and the CEO regained confidence in the HR Director’s capability and performance. The director was reflexive and better managed their health and well-being during this challenging and transition period.
  • Coached a director (new in post) of a major charity who was in danger of not meeting the criteria to complete the probation period. This was a complex assignment with a need for managing a number of psychological contracts at the contracting stage, a series of coaching interventions to repair a breakdown in the relationship between the director and the chief executive, change management, uncertainty and significant coaching with the intention of improving the working relationship and productivity of the senior leadership team.
  • Designed and facilitated a board level one year coaching assignment for 13 Board members of a large membership organization. Coaching themes included: Personal impact, influencing, leading from within, raising visibility, time and stress management, delegation, leadership development and diversity and inclusion.

Industry/ Functional Experience:

Public sector, Private Sector, HR, Media, Engineering, Learning and development, IT Blue chip, Retail, Creative industries, British Telecom

Representative Clients:

National bank of Abu Dhabi, Elemental Design, NHS, National Breaking Through Programme, Metropolitan Police, Greater Manchester Police, British Medical Association, British Telecom, British Association for Counseling and Psychotherapy, Royal College Of Nursing, Arts Marketing Association, The Arts Council, British Broadcasting Corporation, National Children’s Bureau, Omega Institute (New York), Learning and Skills Improvement Service, Barnardo’s, Learning and Skills Network, Emerge Ltd and FE Colleges (UK)

Cultural/Multi-National Experience:

  • Coached six board level executives across a range of private sector companies and organizations in Nigeria as part of a UK coach accreditation programme.
  • Designed and delivered an accredited coach training programme to leaders and managers in the National Bank of Abu Dhabi
  • Oversaw the roll out of a borough wide women’s leadership and development programme

Professional/Corporate Experience:

  • Corporate Women’s Training Manager
  • BBC Mentor Project – Project Lead
  • Director Life Work In Progress Associates – coaching, training,
    organizational development, consultancy, speaking and facilitation
  • Non Executive Board Member 2007- 2015 (Alternatives)

Training and Education:

  • Post Graduate Certificate in Executive Coaching
  • Diploma in Coaching Supervision (CSA)
  • Solutions Focused & Accredited UK Now What Career Coach
  • Diploma in Performance Coaching
  • Masters in Creative Writing and Personal Development
  • Accredited Practitioner for Factor 8 Different Leaders, Me Motivation and Spiritual Intelligence psychometrics
  • Foundation certificate in Organizational Systemic Practice
  • Certificate in Counselling – Morley College
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Youth and Community Work
  • BA (Hons) Government and Politics

Professional Affiliations:

  • Member of the Association for Coaching
  • Coaching Supervision Academy Faculty member
  • Jackee is the author of four non-fiction books including Be Your Own Best Life Coach and 49 Ways To Write Yourself Well


  • Certified coach and coach supervisor
  • Fierce Conversation certified trainer

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