Finding out what will bring value to your organization & developing leadership skills


We take a consultative approach to explore how Eve Turner Associates could add value to your organization. We look at how developing leadership skills fits with your vision and business objectives and design an individual programme to deliver maximum impact.

We find one-to-one mentoring with leaders particularly helpful when they are first appointed or if they are leading teams but have had limited leadership development.

We deliver leadership development in a number of ways such as:


We run dedicated workshops where we use different scenarios in open discussion and in small working groups. This will elicit some of the challenges facing those present on the course and will help to develop strategies to deal with them. There will be a little theoretical input – but the majority of the work is around the development of practical skills including:

  • Coaching skills for managers
  • Dealing with change (including barriers, communication, staff involvement strategies and media coaching)
  • Talent management – getting the right people, retaining talent or tackling “poor” performance
  • The challenge of making “thinking” time
  • Developing different types of power

Board Events

We organize and facilitate Board events drawing on a range of disciplines and break out activities such as:

  • Speakers
  • Demonstrators

Facilitation for teams and groups

Associates can provide facilitation for small or large-scale activities for a couple of hours or for “Away Day” events. We also have expertise in running Action Learning Sets and ©Leadership Circles.

A recent example of facilitation has been the co-development of ©Leadership circles at the University of Southampton as part of a change programme now touching more than a hundred staff through a “pyramid” scheme where internal leaders now run new groups, making this a highly cost effective programme.

Leadership specifically for Industry or Public Service

We aim to develop the leadership skills that are needed in modern industry and public service. There are many discipline areas talked about in leadership today that might be relevant including:

  • Hard skills
  • Soft skills
  • Emotional intelligence and being aware of personal impact
  • Spiritual intelligence
  • Being consultative yet still making tough decisions quickly
  • Achieving the bottom line in performance terms yet retaining an ethical heart to the business and being true to personal values
  • Taking account of different cultural contexts

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