Assuring seamless delivery and full quality assurance

Enabling a whole solution for organizations to deliver coaching either though providing a full end-to-end service or bridging any gaps of service/requirements. Most importantly we can assure the quality of any area we provide, often providing interim input until a solution is effectively running.

In this way managed coaching is ideal for companies of all sizes wanting a cost effective, long-term solution for coaching. Some of the solutions we can provide include to:

  • Collaboratively set up, quality assure and run registers of external coaches
  • Work with external coaches to provide ‘added value’ themes for use by the organization for systemic learning
  • Help set up and train registers of internal coaches
  • Provide ongoing developmental support for internal coaches including supervision

As we are experts in managing coaching set up and support for companies we can offer initial consultancy to guide the specification, programme design, set up and management, if required.

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