Professor David Clutterbuck and Eve Turner have now analyzed the results of their research looking at contracting in supervision.  Our study resulted from our awareness of how often the issue of contracting, or more accurately, at times omissions in contracting, seemed to lie behind some of the challenges that are brought to us in supervision sessions.  We wondered how widespread this experience was among supervisor colleagues and whether their experiences mirrored what coaches found.  We used three short surveys: for supervisors and then for supervisees and their clients.

We have shared the findings widely – this has included webinars such as the Global Supervisors’ Network on 15/16 August 2019, and a workshop at the 8th International Supervision Conference at Oxford Brookes University on 11th May, 2019.   Highlights also appeared in a book that Eve Turner and Peter Hawkins have published: Hawkins, P. and Turner, E. (2020).  Systemic Coaching – delivering value beyond the individual.  Abingdon: Routledge.

We are very grateful for the support of the Association for Coaching (AC), the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC), the Association for Professional Executive Coaching and Supervision (APECS), the Association of Coaching Supervisors (AOCS), Henley Centre for Coaching, the Coaching Supervision Academy (CSA), Oxford Brookes University and the Global Supervisors’ Network (GSN) for help in distributing the questionnaires.

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