Helpful resources to keep you informed and up-to-date


We run several supervision groups with 4 or 6 members and of 2-3 hours’ duration, and have a waiting list in operation.  The sessions are fun as well as focused, trying a range of approaches from sculpting (in the garden or using Zoom whiteboard) to using the 7-eyed model, Supervision in a Thinking Environment©, the Halos and Horns model©, creative writing, or metaphors and images!  The current cost is between £130 and £150 per session depending on the length and size of the group (so between £780 and £900 for 6 sessions as an example in 2024).

All the groups are currently mainly virtual and are closed groups.  This means that the membership is fixed for an agreed number of sessions, normally 4 to 6.  Because of our waiting list we regularly set up additional groups so please do get in touch if you would like to find out more.  Please contact us for more details.

Group supervision is also offered internally, within organizations.  Where helpful internal supervision can also be provided in tandem with CPD opportunities for internal coaches.  Themes can be collated from the coaching and reported back collectively, with individual client confidentiality completely safeguarded, adding value to the organization.

In addition all those who are involved in current or recent supervision groups or 1-2-1 relationships through Eve Turner Associates are invited to roccasional “supervision support sessions” which are free and count as CPD.  They take place on an ad hoc basis for 75 minutes.

Eve Turner, group leader, is an accredited and experienced coach and supervisor who has also accredited coaches for two of the leading coaching professional bodies, the AC and APECS, of which she is a former Chair.  She has also been involved in coach supervision training delivered by Bath Consultancy Group, Henley Business School and Bluesky International.  Eve was part of a group that developed individual supervision accreditation for the coaching body the EMCC and she won the EMCC Global President’s Special Award in the 2023 Awards for her work in supervision.  She has also won the two leading coaching supervision awards for 2018: the EMCC Supervision Award and the Coaching at Work Award for Contributions to Coaching Supervision. Eve is also accredited as a Master Supervisor by APECS and was one of the first two supervisors in Europe accredited by the EMCC.

Supervision is also provided by Jackee Holder  and Nick Smith who are both highly experienced leaders in the field and authors.  Nick is a tutor on the Henley Business School Professional Certificate in Supervision, and is co-author of the book: Coaching, Mentoring and Organizational Consultancy: Supervision and Development which is in its second edition.  Jackee is part of the team working on the prestigious Coaching Supervision Academy’s Diploma in Coaching Supervision and is also a published author, particularly in the field of creative writing and coaching and supervision.

Eve Turner Associates have an Equal Opportunities Policy which is strictly adhered to, please email for more details.


These accredited training programmes are offered in-house as well as through open programmes.   More details are available here.


Details of these are available below including a discount code for Eve’s books.  The first book, co-edited with Stephen Palmer, came out in late October 2018, entitled The Heart of Coaching Supervision – Working with Reflection and Self-Care. The second, co-authored with Peter Hawkins, was published in mid December 2019 and is entitled Systemic Coaching – delivering value beyond the individual.  The third, co-edited with the late Alison Whybrow, and with Josie McLean and Peter Hawkins, Ecological and Climate-Conscious Coaching: A Companion Guide to Evolving Coaching Practice, was published in November 2022 and the code EFLY03 provides a 20% discount on Routledge websites.  And she is a co-editor for The Ethical Coaches’ Handbook which came out in April 2023.  Eve has also contributed chapters to several other books and written many articles.

Nick is the author of the much referred to book with Peter Hawkins: Hawkins, P. and Smith, N. (2013).  Coaching, Mentoring and Organizational Consultancy: Supervision and Development. 2nd edition.  Maidenhead: OUP.  Nick is currently working on a second book on transformational coaching.  And Jackee contributed a chapter to The Heart of Coaching Supervision on reflective and expressive writing and has written a number of books, particularly around the use of writing as a creative and reflective tool.  She has also contributed to the 2020 book: 101 practical coaching supervision techniques, approaches, enquiries and experiments edited by Michelle Lucas.  Other information about Jackee can be found here.

Eve Turner Book, Podcasts and Articles: Full list

Eve has a variety of publications:

Turner, E. and Palmer, S. (2019) (Eds).  The Heart of Coaching Supervision – Working with Reflection and Self-Care.  Abingdon: Routledge.

Hawkins, P. and Turner, E. (2020).  Systemic Coaching – delivering value beyond the individual.  Abingdon: Routledge.

Whybrow, A., Turner, E., McLean, J. with Hawkins, P.(2023).  Ecological and Climate-conscious Coaching: A Companion Guide to Evolving Coaching Practice.  Abingdon: Routledge 

Smith, W-A., Passmore, J., Turner, E., Lai Y-L., and Clutterbuck, D. (2023).  The Ethical Coaches’ Handbook. Abingdon: Routledge.


Eve has taken part in podcasts and some of these can be found on the following links:

Supervision and systems

The Climate Coaching Alliance story

Why is supervision essential for coaches?

Ethics in Coaching with Eve Turner and Jonathan Passmore.

Facing the unexpected as a coach from incapacity to bereavement – how prepared are you?


Eve’s chapters in edited books are:

Hawkins, P. and Turner, E. (2024).  ‘Eco-Sytemic Mentoring: Growing our Ecological Capacity to Create a Sustainable Future – An Urgent Priority.’  In S-J Aris, A. Rao, P. Roycroft and D. Clutterbuck (Eds.).  Mentoring in Health, Social Care and Beyond – A Handbook for Practice, Training and Research.  Shoreham-by-Sea: Pavilion Publishing and Media.

Hawley, R., Turner, E. and Iordanou, I. (2024).  ‘Managing Ethics Online.’  In J. Passmore, S. Diller, S. Isaacson and M. Brantl (Eds.).  The Digital and AI Coaches’ Handbook – The Complete Guide to the Use of Online AI, and Technology in Coaching.  Abingdon: Routledge.

Turner, Eve (2024). ‘Collusion brought to coach supervision’, and ‘Managing digital records in the event of an unexpected death’, with David Lane.  In W-A Smith, E H Pontes, D. Magadlela and D Clutterbuck (Eds).  Ethical Case Studies for Coach Development and Practice.    Abingdon: Routledge.

Goldvarg, D. and Turner E. (2023).  ‘Supervision in the Americas – working with Virtual Technology.’  In F. Campone, J. DiGirolamo, D. Goldvarg., and L. Seto (Eds).  Coaching Supervision – Voices from the Americas. Abingdon: Routledge.

Hawkins, P., Allan, J. and Turner, E. (2021).  ‘Supervision – Widening the lens and perspective: The Art of Reflective Practice.’  In W. Smith, I. Boniwell and S. Green (Eds) Positive Psychology Coaching in the Workplace.  Cham, Switzerland, Springer.

Turner, E. and Goldvarg, D. (2021).  ‘Supervising Virtually.’  In T. Bachkirova, P. Jackson and D. Clutterbuck (Eds) Coaching and Mentoring Supervision: Theory and Practice, 2nd edition.  Maidenhead: Open University Press.

Turner, E. and Hawkins, P. (2019).  ‘Mastering contracting.’  In J. Passmore, B.O. Underhill and M. Goldsmith (Eds) Mastering Executive Coaching.  Abingdon: Routledge.

Turner, E. and Passmore, J. (2019).  ‘Mastering ethics.’  In J. Passmore, B.O. Underhill and M. Goldsmith (Eds) Mastering Executive Coaching.  Abingdon: Routledge.

Moral, M. and Turner, E. (2019).  ‘Supervision of supervision for coaching and mentoring supervisors.’  In J. Birch and P. Welch (Eds) Coaching Supervision: Advancing Practice, Changing Landscapes.  Abingdon: Routledge/EMCC.

Eve has also contributed a section on Coaching with Michel Moral (p257-8) to:

Hawkins, P. and McMahon, A. (2020).  Supervision in the Helping Professions.  5th edition.  London: OUP.

Eve’s articles include:

  • Turner, E. (2007). Does a picture paint a thousand words? The use of imagery in coaching. In AC Bulletin Spring, pp6-9
  • Turner, E (2007). Does meaning matter in coaching? In AC Bulletin Autumn, pp5-8
  • Turner, E. (2007). Can dual roles create effective role models? In Coaching at Work Vol. 2 (6), p8
  • Turner, E. (2008). Picture perfect. In Coaching at Work, Vol. 3 (1), pp36-39
  • Turner, E. (2008). Meant To Be. In Coaching at Work Vol 3 (6), pp25-27
  • Turner, E. (2008). Get It Together. In Coaching at Work Vol 3 (6), pp. 44-46
  • Turner, E. (2009). Going Deeper.  In Coaching at Work Vol 4 (6), pp. 34-38
  • Turner, E. (2010). Coaches’ views on the relevance of unconscious dynamics to executive coaching. In Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice Vol. 3 (1), pp. 12-29.
  • Turner, E. (2011). A Novel Approach. In Coaching at Work Vol 6 (2), p. 17
  • Turner, E. (2012). The calm within the storm.  In Coaching at Work Vol 7 (4), pp. 12-13.
  • Turner, E. (2013). Looking Out, Not Looking Up. In Coaching at Work Vol 8 (1), p. 50
  • Turner, E. Gilbert, S. and Lucas, M (2015). Chain Reaction. In Coaching at Work Vol 10 (1) pp. 44-49.   Winner of the Award for Best Research Article 2015 from Coaching at Work.
  • Turner et al. (2015). Peer Supervision Chain – Toolbox feature. In Coaching at Work Vol 10 (2) pp. 47-49
  • Turner, E. and Woods, D. (2015). When The Police Come Knocking. In Coaching at Work Vol 10 (6) pp28-34
  • Turner, E. (2016). Job loss: ‘You can ride the camel or leave the land’. In Coaching at Work Vol 11 (1) p9.
  • Turner, E. & Hawkins, P. (2015) Gaining maximum value from executive and business coaching when Multi-stakeholder contracting takes places. Research Report for the AC, EMCC and ICF.
  • Turner, E. and Hawkins, P. (2016). Can You See What I See? In Coaching at Work Vol 11 (1) pp. 32-37.
  • Hawkins, P. and Turner, E. (2016). Coming of age: the development of coaching supervision 2006-2014.  In Coaching at Work Vol 11 (2) pp. 30-35.
  • Turner, E., Woods, D. and Mountain, J. (2016).  A matter of record.  In Coaching at Work Vol 11 (3) pp37-39.
  • Turner, E. & Hawkins, P. (2016). Multi-stakeholder contracting in executive/business coaching: an analysis of practice and recommendations for getting maximum value.  In the International Journal for Evidence-Based Coaching and Mentoring Vol 14 (2) pp 48-65.
  • Turner, E. (2016). University challenged – leadership circles. In Coaching at Work Vol 11 (6) pp26-30.
  • Hawkins, P. and Turner, E. (2017).  The rise of coaching supervision 2006–2014.  In Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research & Practice.  Vol. 10 (2) pp102-114.  Also available online.
  • Moral, M., Turner, E. and Goldvarg, D. (2017).  Supervision of Supervision: Where Are We?  In Coaching Perspectives.  Vol 15 pp39-41.
  • Turner, E. and Passmore, J. (2017).  The trusting kind.  In Coaching at Work Vol. 12 (6) pp34-39.
  • Turner, E. and Passmore, J. (2018).  Ethical dilemmas and tricky decisions: A global perspective of coaching supervisors’ practices in coach ethical decision-making.  In the International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring Vol 16 (1) pp126-142.
  • Passmore, J. and Turner. E (2018).  Reflections on Integrity – the APPEAR model.  In Coaching at Work Vol. 13 (2) pp42-46.
  • Turner, E. (2018). CoachActivism.  In Coaching Perspectives, July 2018, Issue 18, pp. 43-44.
  • Moral, M., Menaul, J. and Turner, E. (2018). Supervision on supervision – state of the art: a survey. EMCC Mentoring, Coaching and Supervision Research Conference, July 2018. Chester: EMCC.
  • Turner, E. and Hawkins, P. (2018). Use recordings in reflective practice work.  In Coaching at Work Vol. 13 (6) pp52-3.
  • Passmore, J., Turner, E. and Filipiak, M (2018).  Blowin’ in the wind.  In Coaching at Work Vol. 13 (6) pp36-40. Winner of the Award for Best Research Article 2019 from Coaching at Work.
  • Passmore, J., Turner, E. and Filipiak, M. (2019).  Still Blowin’ in the wind.  In Coaching at Work Vol. 14 (1) pp38-42. Winner of the Award for Best Research Article 2019 from Coaching at Work.
  • Turner, E. (2019).  The horns of the dilemma. In Coaching at Work Vol 14 (2), 48-51.
  • Hawkins, P., Turner, E. and Passmore, J. (2019) The Manifesto for Supervision. Henley-on-Thames: Association for Coaching, and Henley Business School
  • Whybrow, A., Turner, E. and McLean, J. (2020).  CCA hosts global talk – from Auckland to Hawaii with love.   Coaching at Work Vol 15 (6), pp12-13.
  • Turner, E. (2021).  Spotlight: The Global Supervisors’ Network.  In Coaching Perspectives April 2021 (29) pp44-45
  • Turner, E., McLean, J. and Whybrow, A. (2021).  What’s Mine To Do? Generating Our Pathways To Climate and Ecological Action. In Coaching Perspectives April 2021 (29) p46.
  • Turner. E. (2021).  Exit Strategy.  In Coaching at Work, Vol 14 (4), pp40-43.
  • Turner. E., Hawkins, P. and Roell, C. (2024).  Research exploring coaches’ relationship with the wider ecology.  In Coaching at Work Vol 19 (3), pp44-47.

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