A new model to look at our coaching and leadership practice systemically


The Halos and Horns model is one Eve has been working on for a few years, with help and feedback from many of her wonderful supervisees! The plan is to load a version here for coaches, mentors, supervisors and leaders to use, but in the meantime please refer to an article outlining the model in Coaching at Work magazine: Turner, E. (2019). The horns of the dilemma. In Coaching at Work Vol 14 (2), 48-51 or read an updated version in chapter 10 on systemic supervision in Hawkins, P. and Turner, E. (2020). Systemic Coaching – Delivering Value Beyond the Individual.  Abingdon: Routledge.

Eve ran a session using Halos and Horns with two of her supervisees, Natasha Maw and Gregor Findlay at this year’s Coaching at Work conference on July 3rd 2019 in London.  One of the conference workshop participants, executive coach Lorna Clarke, wrote:

“I found the Halos and Horns model a really helpful way to take a systemic view of my practice and identify key patterns and themes.  It’s a useful self-reflection tool to increase awareness around potential biases and dynamics and how these may play out in coaching relatiionships. 

In supervision we often look at individual relationships with our clients.  Halos and Horns provides a practical way to idenitfy common themes across all our clients and how this may be affecting how we coach.  For me it’s a valuable model to ensure that I am operating from a place of greater self-awareness so I can be in better service to my clients.”

There will be a further session on the model, run by Eve and Carole Davidson, who has also used it, at the 26th international EMCC conference in Paris in June 2020.

Henley Business School Insight Guide #48: How can I help coaches reflect on the practice within supervision? In this guide Eve briefly explains the halos and horns model, why it should be used and how it works in practice.

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