Highly effective tools designed to help individuals & teams be more successful


Psychometric tools are tests or questionnaires that can be used for both selecting the right people and in leadership development both for individuals and teams. Used correctly they can improve organisational effectiveness.

Some tools are designed and validated to be used for selection purposes as well as development (like the 16PF and Hogan Suite) while others are solely used for development such as the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and The Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation– Behaviour (FIRO-B) instrument .

There are a number of tools available and the ones we use broadly fall into these four categories:

  1. Ability: These measure aptitude when someone is solving problems or reasoning with verbal information, often assessing likely potential as well as current ability.
  2. Personality: A method to predict how someone might behave in a role and a powerful tool for personal development and increased self-awareness.
  3. 360° feedback: Where an individual gets feedback on their performance and personal attributes from a number of sources, most typically their line manager, their peers and their direct reports.
  4. Interest Inventories: Used in career coaching to identify the types of work for which someone is most suited.

Psychometric tools have been shown to be the best single predictors of job performance particularly when combined with other tests or some form of structured interview and can also be used to aid shortlisting. They provide an objective and fair method of selecting and developing staff and help to remove bias and discrimination.

Our practitioners [LINK to associates] are qualified to use a range of tools including the MBTI and the 16PF, respectively the first and third most popular personality questionnaires in the world.


The MBTI is based on 16 distinct personality types each associated with a set of individual values and behaviourial characteristics that will affect how we prefer to work and relate to others. An understanding can help people understand challenges in their relationships and it is useful with individuals and teams.


The 16PF assesses a person’s personality against 16 factors and this can provide a useful and accurate indicator of future behaviour in selection as well as be helpful or personal development and increasing self-awareness. It maps closely to what are known globally as the Big Five personality characteristics.


Firo-B is focuses on the impact of interpersonal relationship styles and examines how a person would typically behave towards others and how they would like others to behave. It is a powerful tool for increasing self-awareness in individual and group situations.

Hogan Suite

The Hogan Suite assessments predict job performance by assessing normal personality, derailment characteristics, core values, and cognitive reasoning ability. The same tools also support increased self-awareness and leadership development.

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