Enabling highly effective coaches for successful self-coaching organizations

We develop skilled in-house coaches who can support leaders at all levels in the achievement of their outcomes. Our in-house coach training supports an organization to set up and develop a thriving internal coaching practice, preparing coaches for the particular challenges, rewards and complexities involved.

Company-wide coaching programmes have a powerful impact across a whole organization. Increasing numbers of companies and public bodies are setting up in- house coaching programmes to support internal culture change and/or to substantially improve performance and well-being.

The exact content of the training will be tailored to the unique needs of the individual organization and will include a variety of methods. Once an internal coaching practice has been set up ongoing support through continuing professional development, including supervision, is available and recommended. Example format as:


Example format

Our coaching trainers are highly trained, accredited and experienced coaches themselves and well respected in the field. If required, we can offer externally accredited coach and mentor training programmes through the Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) at Level 5 and 7. For details of open ILM coaching and mentoring programmes please see RESOURCES.

Set up - optional

We can provide consultancy to explore possibilities and assess requirements, propose roll out, agree delivery and manage the programme.

Assistance is also available for companies requiring support with the initial selection and assessment of the proposed internal coaches.

For more details, see managed coaching.

Coach Training

The training is delivered through a range of highly interactive workshops. These can vary from short sessions to introduce the concept of coaching skills and support the development of a coaching approach within teams, to complete training programmes. Workshops provide the key skills for leadership development, particularly in the area of active listening, developing questioning and feedback skills, having challenging conversations and increasing understanding of one’s impact on others.

The training reinforces areas such as listening and feedback skills, which help leaders and line managers to adopt a facilitative style and builds their confidence in managing difficult conversations and leading change. We hold coaching to be one of a number of approaches a leader needs to be successful. Others are described variously, including the terms directive, visionary, participative, affiliative and pacesetting (HayGroup Inventory of Leadership Styles).

Not only is our in-house coach training successful in training effective coaches, but it is also useful for developing key leadership skills.

Development and Supervision

We recommend organization of continuous professional development (CPD) and supervision to support an ongoing coaching practice. The key aim is to develop internal confidence and expertise. So while in the first instance CPD and supervision may be offered externally, over time the expectation is for the expertise to be developed so that it can all be managed internally.

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