A new model called ©“Leadership Circles”

Eve Turner Leadership CirclesA new model, ideal for working with groups and teams, has been developed by Janice Donaldson the former HR Director at the University of Southampton and Eve ©“Leadership Circles”.   A precursor having first been used by Janice in South Africa, the circles bring diverse leaders together from across the departments and faculties at the university.  Participants gain a broader understanding of their individual impact and their wider role and an opportunity to meet and work with other staff collaboratively.

Enhanced by Nancy Kline’s ©‘Time to Think’ process, senior managers come together to discuss the leadership issues that they are facing in a confidential environment. Members are encouraged to focus on actively listening to each other, ensuring everyone’s voice is equally valued, without interrupting, and drawing on the expertise within the group to solve their own challenges together.  Tools and approaches are used as needed and appropriate to the group.

Eve Turner ©Leadership Circles Southampton UniversityThe results are remarkable from extensive evaluation in 2016 and 2017. Participants describe being calmer, more relaxed, changing their behaviour, allowing them time to think and helping them achieve practical outcomes.

The Leadership circles at the University of Southampton have became part of a change programme now touching more than a hundred staff through a “pyramid” scheme where previous participants now run new groups, Read more.

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