
Upcoming supervision groups, recent publications or research reports and the latest news

18th March 2020

Coronavirus and coaching and supervision

We are living in unprecedented times and it is important that we come together as a community both for mutual support and to explore what we can collectively do with the skills we have to support others; so we are organizing several opportunities to do so. Covid-19 is something that is impacting each of us personally and professionally and is impacting our clients, family, friends and our communities.

Eve Turner is facilitating several opportunities for collective sharing of concerns and ideas. This includes hosting two webinars for APECS, the Association for Professional Executive Coaching and Supervision, of which she is Chair, alongside the Honorary President, Professor Peter Hawkins. It is free for all coaches and supervisors to attend with one on Thursday 19th March at 1730 UK time and one on Monday 23rd March 0800 UK time, both for 90 minutes. There is also a special webinar for GSN (Global Supervisor Network) members on Monday 23rd March at 1800 UK time This is facilitated by Julia Menaul (UK), Louise Schubert (Spain) and Lily Seto (Canada). And another is planned for the Climate Coaching Alliance on Thursday 26th March which will draw on the experiences and learning from coaches in South Korea, Japan, China, Thailand and Malaysia who have been living with the impact of this virus for some time: Vimala Suppiah, Julie Zhang, Deana Peng, Travis Green and Sabrina Park. More details will be available here:

Category: Coaching, Other, Supervision, Virtual