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Posts archive for August, 2024

23rd August 2024

Please join these fabulous events: ICF (October 1) and CoachME (October 2)

I am delighted and honoured to be speaking at two events at the start of October. The first is on Tuesday October 1st, and is for the ICF’s very active Executive & Leadership Coaching Community of Practice.  We will discuss ‘Eco-Coaching: how can we work at the intersection between leadership development and climate awareness?’  The […]

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2nd August 2024

Thank you EMCC

I am grateful, thrilled and honoured to have received the 2023 EMCC Global Special President’s Award for my work in the field of supervision and more broadly.  The citation reads: This award has been granted to you in recognition of your tireless work in researching, writing articles contributing to and authoring books that informs the […]

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