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2nd August 2024

Thank you EMCC

I am grateful, thrilled and honoured to have received the 2023 EMCC Global Special President’s Award for my work in the field of supervision and more broadly.  The citation reads:

This award has been granted to you in recognition of your tireless work in researching, writing articles contributing to and authoring books that informs the development of supervision. The judging panel wanted to recognise that your work takes a systemic focus concentrating on ecological and ethical perspectives that need addressing for the ultimate benefit of society; and your consistent and ongoing contribution to the discipline over an extended period. They also all felt that your work and commitment to the Global Supervisors Network brings significant value to practitioners.

Thank you EMCC and all the people I collaborate with every day.  I am especially grateful to my coaching and supervision clients, my supervisors and all the wonderful volunteers that make the GSN and CCA possible.

Category: Awards, Climate Change, Coaching, Ethics, Supervision