15th February 2025
CCA Community Festival starts Thursday 6th March – with some exciting events
The CCA Community Festival starts on 6th March with some extraordinary sessions that run through March and April so far. All events are free. On Thursday 6th March, 0830-1000 GMT, you can hear from Professor Peter Hawkins on “Beauty in Leadership and Coaching: and its role in Transforming Human Consciousness,” the subject of his recently released book which I had the honour of reviewing. Later that day, at 1600-1800 GMT there is a unique opportunity to hear from Nora Bateson on her highly praised Warm Data Labs, as a taster session. And the next day you can hear from members of the JGSG – Joint Global Statement Group – on how the profession is evolving its approach towards having a more positive impact on the climate and ecological crisis. The session, from 1300-1430 GMT, will be hosted by those who have been directly involved in writing an updated statement which will also come with a new name: Hetty Einzig from the AC (Association for Coaching), Brian Lowell French from the IAC (International Association of Coaching), Rita Symons from EMCC Global (European Mentoring and Coaching Council) and Eve Turner representing the GSN (Global Supervisors’ Network), along with members of the wider signatories: Anna Brown from APECS (Association for Professional Executive Coaching and Supervision), Rachael Skews from the ISCP (International Society for Coaching Psychology) and hosted by Stu Pickles from the CCA (Climate Coaching Alliance). Really hope to see you at these events.