
Upcoming supervision groups, recent publications or research reports and the latest news

Posts archive for 2021

21st December 2021

Would you give 10% of your salary to charity?

This is the title of an article published by the BBC in December 2021.  The article was inspired by a now 12 year old global scheme called Giving What We Can (GWWC) and the story of one 27 year old who contributes 15% of his salary.  There are of course other guides to donating most […]

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17th November 2021

New International Supervision Group Starting – one remaining space

Due to demand we are setting up another international, virtual coaching supervision group which will have four members and myself, Eve Turner, meeting for 2 hours every 6-8 weeks.  Three of the four spaces are now full, and it looks like being an exciting group, with members from Europe and Asia.  If you would be […]

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30th October 2021

COP26 – Special Issue of Clinical Psychology Publication

The news is dominated by the latest reports on the climate and ecological emergency as COP26 takes place in Glasgow, Scotland.  I am delighted to share this outstanding, special issue from the Clinical Psychology Forum, the monthly publication for members of the BPS’s Division of Clinical Psychology.  There is an array of articles, and these […]

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8th October 2021

Positive Psychology Coaching in the Workplace – a recommendation

This new 30-chapter book is based both on research and effective practice and considers how coaching can support thriving in the workplace.  Edited by Wendy-Ann Smith, Ilona Boniwell and Suzy Green it is already available for Kindle and will be available in hardback on 31st october.  I am honoured to have been invited to contribute […]

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8th August 2021

What Is Ours To Do?

Over the last few months we have been global witnesses to a range of extreme weather events that have left many people and their livelihoods in tatters.  As I write this on 8th August we are watching devestating fires in Greece that threaten homes and lives, protected historical sites, forests and species.   In June, Canada […]

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18th July 2021

Updated Global Code of Ethics published

The 3rd version of the Global Code of Ethics has just been published.  While no code can ever cover every eventuality, and it is meant to sit alongside dialogue and reflection, it does provide some useful guidance in three key areas: Working with Clients (context, contracting, integrity, confidentiality, inappropriate interactions, conflict of interest, ending professional […]

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