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Posts archive for 2022

16th December 2022

New CCA book – links to recordings of the launch events

The new CCA book Ecological and Climate-Conscious Coaching: A Companion Guide to Evolving Coaching Practice has now been out for a month, and we are so grateful for the response it has had from the reviews to inclusion on reading lists for coaching programs.  The launch events, with Josie McLean, Peter Hawkins and myself, along […]

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7th November 2022

CCA book to be published Monday 14 November – on CCA’s third anniversary

The new book Ecological and Climate-Conscious Coaching: A Companion Guide to Evolving Coaching Practice is published Monday 14th November.  This is a poignant date as it is the third anniversary of the “birth” of the CCA, when Alison Whybrow, Josie McLean and myself met online for the first time together and agreed to set up […]

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30th October 2022

CCA book launch – new CCA page with all details

We are delighted to provide full details of the CCA book and the book launch events, on a new page on the Climate Coaching Alliance website.  With many thanks to our wonderful volunteers, particularly Amel Sedaoui and David Floyd, you can now book to attend the free launch events, hear video reviews from Magda Mook, […]

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18th October 2022

CCA book launch Tuesday 29 November 0800 and 2000 GMT

We are delighted to invite you to the launch of the first CCA book Ecological and Climate-Conscious Coaching- A Companion Guide to Evolving Coaching Practice.  Places are free and the links to register are below. Get an experiential taste of the book that takes you on a seven-day journey with some of the book guides: […]

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28th September 2022

Extraordinary Festival of Wellbeing – 22 October

This Festival of Wellbeing looks like an extraordinary one-day virtual event on Saturday 22nd October with several thought leaders and activists from Christiana Figueres and Clover Hogan to Naomi Klein and Deborah Meaden. It is £20 or £10 (concessions) and I, for one, will be there!    

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4th September 2022

ImpACT – Sustainability in Supervision and Coaching

I am honoured to be part of this excellent conference being held from 16-18 September in Barcelona.  Organized by the European Association for Supervision and Coaching (EASC) there will be three days of inputs from different social sectors on the topic of sustainability. I am delighted to be part of a panel on the morning […]

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