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Posts archive for ‘Coaching’

17th July 2017

What is ethical maturity?

I have been thinking about this recently – with some concern even over the phrase.  Ethics evolved from traditions in moral philosophy which go back thousands of years.  Carroll and Shaw’s book* makes clear the challenges we all face in making decisions, from our processes, connections between decisions and the practical implementations, impact on stakeholders […]

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28th June 2017

What value supervision?

There is a debate in the world of coaching and mentoring as to the proven value of supervision.  While some professional bodies insist on it in order to become accredited, like the AC, EMCC and APECS, and there are many instances of its impact intuitively, is this sufficient?  Another body, the ICF, does not require it though recommends it.  […]

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5th June 2017

Sir John Whitmore

It was announced that Sir John Whitmore, co-founder of Performance Consultants International and godfather of coaching, passed away on 28 April 2017. Sir John was the pioneer of coaching in the workplace and author of Coaching for Performance, considered to be the “bible” of coaching globally. Eve commented: I was so sorry to hear of the passing of Sir John Whitmore, a colossus in the profession…

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8th May 2017

Coaching at Work annual conference – July

The 7th annual Coaching at Work conference will take place in July on the theme of culture. The conference workshops and keynote speeches will examine business and organizational culture, working with different cultures, building coaching cultures and team coaching and culture among other culture topics. The conference is always sold out, and is one of the most […]

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